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Adding a human-centered approach to business

January 20, 2020


7 in 10

CEOs believe their traditional growth strategies are obsolete.

There’s no such thing as the “new normal”

The human shift

The value of a human-centered approach

Chart a new course

Recalibrate the compass

In a fast-changing environment, fluid decision-making is critical. Qualitative insights and a test-and-learn environment will keep you on course.

Ask the right questions

Pair the use of data and analytics by asking customers how you can help them—and building observation into this process to help inform the answer.

Use your head—your whole head

Augmenting the traditional, analytical approach with a new way of thinking—a whole-brain approach—is needed to win and retain customers today.

Strategy Advisor

Baiju Shah

Chief Strategy Officer & Global Lead, Next

Baiju is a founder of Accenture Song and works with clients to deliver innovative ways to delight customers.​

Mark Curtis

Global Sustainability and Thought Leadership Lead – Accenture Song

Mark is a serial entrepreneur and innovator. He has deep experience in helping businesses design and transform their experiences.

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